Sunday, August 30, 2009

My project and what it is about

This is my first attempt at a blog. I will admit that I am not eager to start this blog. However, I feel that it will help me overcome the problems of my past. I am hoping that writing about it on a blog will be like talking about but without fear. What I mean about fear is that by blogging about this I don't have to see that look on a person's face and in their eyes....of sympathy or of just "oh Fuck!" I don't have to hear the repeated phrase that tears me to my core, "get over it already". Yes, therapy is good but here I don't have limits. I don't have to look at any one. I can just be me. This blog is my breaking free and learning to soar project.

As a child I was abused sexually, mentally, and physically. I have a lot of repressed memories that are haunting me. I dream of them, making functioning in reality near impossible. These memories are of sexual abuse and I am hoping that blogging about what I dream, feel, etc will help me remember these haunting memories in order for me to take steps to a new life. A life without nightmares, without pain, without fear.

Welcome to my steps of soaring!

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